The #1 anti-wrinkle, anti-dark spot, anti-sagging product you can use! – Skin Nutrient

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The #1 anti-wrinkle, anti-dark spot, anti-sagging product you can use!

The #1 anti-wrinkle, anti-dark spot, anti-sagging product you can use!

All anti-ageing skincare routines should include the daily application of broad-spectrum UV protection.


The key to anti-ageing is to protect and preserve the skin. The only way to truly protect the skin is by wearing UV protection, even if the sun isn’t shining.

A good sun shield should include a potent array of effective antioxidants, skin-restoring and hydrating ingredients. Better yet, if the product is tinted, you have yourself a 3-in-1 daily moisturiser, sunscreen and makeup. At Skin Nutrient™, we have developed the best sun care product in Australia, as voted by over 10,000 Australians by the Product of the Year consumer survey.


Why UV protection is critical to improving your skin’s health.


The best anti-ageing skincare routines should include effective cleansers, toners, exfoliants, serums and cream. When used consistently, these products help to maintain a youthful complexion. However, none of these products replaces the need for daily UV protection. In fact, your anti-ageing routine will not provide the best results without a sun protection step.

Rain, hail or shine - sun protection is needed 365 days of the year. The UV rays emitted by the sun harm your skin all year-round. Leaving your skin unprotected will result in all the signs of ageing you are trying to avoid in the first place!

Research shows that it is never too late to start protecting your skin from UV rays. In fact, people with sun-damaged skin (every Australian) who started using broad-spectrum UV protection later in life, saw a noticeable reduction in every visible sign of ageing.

So, no matter your age, the use of daily UV protection is the foundation of a truly effective anti-ageing routine.


How to effectively use UV protection.


  1. Make sure the product you purchase has broad UVA and UVB protection. What’s the difference between UVA and UVB rays? UVA rays are present all day long and all year round. Unlike UVB rays that cause sunburn, you can’t actually feel UVA rays damaging your skin - they are the silent killer.

  2. Always wear UV protection: You spend most of your days indoors out of the sun? Consider this, UVA rays penetrate windows harming your skin when you are in the car, at home or in the office. Sun damage begins at sunrise, even if it’s raining.


Choose a facial moisturiser with built-in protection, with at least SPF 30+. Better yet, a product that also provides an array of other skin-benefiting ingredients with a makeup effect is the ultimate all-in-1 anti-aging superstar!

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